Sunday 25 November 2012

I like truckin'

I can't believe the weather in which we will drive. Pounding rain, zero visibility fog, blinding on-coming traffic. None of it seems to matter as we will drive in all conditions and for the most spurious of reasons.

I remember my mother driving to see her mother in December. It was after six so stygian darkness abounded and we were travelling down country lanes with farm cottages to give us a rough idea of where we were. Added to that the snow was coming down in sheets and the windscreen wipers were barely up to the task of keeping the screen clear so that she could see the next patch of road. Madness! I tell ya, it was madness! But, my mother had made her weekly visit since she had learned to drive and a bit of snow was not going to stop her. She was a tad stubborn that way.

What brings it to mind is the horrendous rain that we have had in the past week and I have travelled the length of the M6 to house-hunt. Driving in the dark while squinting to figure out if that light ahead is a car three hundred feet away or a truck you are about to ram is not my idea of fun!

But I do like some of the weather you can only get while driving. Tootling about in the fog is not that great. But if you are on a main road, and the road is well-travelled, then you get a tunnel effect as the heat of the vehicles chase away the fog. To me, that never gets old and it just looks fantastic to get a tunnel of light around you.

So maybe, I can believe the weather in which we drive...